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Dette kurset har ingen fremtidige kursdato(er) oppført. Bruk skjemaet for å kontakte kursholderen for mer informasjon.
Delivered by fully accredited trainers and industry leading experts with extensive experience of using MSP, the course includes a relevant, modern case study to help delegates to understand how to apply the MSP way of managing programmes in the real world. There is also plenty of opportunity for delegates to present their exercise results and discuss them with the rest of the class, thus gaining further knowledge from many different points of view in many different industries.
This course is aimed at Programme Managers, Business Change Managers, Account Managers, Project Managers, Project Directors, Business Strategists and Consultants.
After you complete this course you will be able to:
MSP Philosophy and structure:
The 7 MSP Principles:
The 9 MSP Governance Themes:
The 6 MSP Transformational Flow Processes:
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
Delegates are prepared for the Foundation exam during this course. A PeopleCert online proctored exam voucher is provided with this course. The voucher is valid for 12 months. The Foundation (closed book) exam consists of 75 multiple choice questions, to be completed within 60 minutes. Candidates must score a minimum of 50%.
Attendees should meet the following prerequisites:
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